Questions & Answers

Ability to Cut Midi Notes

–2 votes
asked Dec 6, 2019 in Editing by saraleboudec (580 points)
This seems like such a basic ability which doesn't appear to be present in Studio One. I just switched from Cubase. In Cubase, you can hold cntl and it allows you to cut midi notes so you don't have to draw another one if you created a part that is too long and you just need to cut it and move it in place. It seems to be easy to implement as you can hold control and it changes to the cut tool when working with audio.

5 Answers

0 votes
answered Dec 8, 2019 by robertgray3 (42,850 points)
We have the split tool. It’s in the toolbar. I believe Cubase has the same one.
0 votes
answered Dec 8, 2019 by saraleboudec (580 points)
I see your response about having the split tool. It does work, however it's backwards and difficult to use. If you have the split tool selected, you can click control and it turns into the arrow, but not the other way around. For the best workflow, it would be best if you could turn the arrow cursor into the split too with control.
0 votes
answered Dec 11, 2019 by ra18 (430 points)
have you tried using "split at grid". i believe if you select the note you want to chop up and then in the midi editor click on the button that says "Action" then click "split at grid" it will split the notes based on what your grid is set at. so if you select 8th notes it will split by 8th notes and so forth.
0 votes
answered Dec 11, 2019 by robertgray3 (42,850 points)
@saraleboudec OK, just wanted to make sure you knew what features were already available before thinking you couldn't do what you need. The feature request you're looking for is called "Smart Tool for MIDI" it sort of allows you for flexibility for what tool comes up with which modifier instead of having to use a number keypad shortcut (2) in this case to select another tool like the Splitter tool.
0 votes
answered Feb 18, 2020 by saraleboudec (580 points)
edited Feb 18, 2020 by saraleboudec

As per a previous response, it says you can do this with the smart tool for midi. However, when I click control it brings up the eraser. It's redundant to have an eraser come up when you can simply double click a note to delete. What I need for workflow is to have the split tool come up when I hold control over a note so I can cut it at that point, or at the grid if I have it turned on. Is there something I'm missing? How do you adjust what comes up when you hold control?

What works really well, like in Cubase, is that you use the arrow to double click to add and delete, then you can click and hold control and it switches to the cut tool from the arrow while you hold it.

All that needs to happen is there for the be the seam functionality for midi as there currently is for audio. With audio, at the top, you can select your secondary tool that works with control, but this functionality is not available for midi. No one uses the eraser and if they do it is far far less than the cut/split tool when programming midi. I can program like a rocket in Cubase. In Studio One, not so much.

Thank you for any assistance. This is the ONLY thing I don't love about Studio One.