Questions & Answers

After November Update, 1810c cracks and pops no at anything below 20ms latency in Cubase Pro 10

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asked Dec 10, 2019 in AudioBox USB by davidhill24 (120 points)
I upgraded to the November update this evening and started to try and track some guitars. I can't use the 1810c at any of the following settings without pops and dropouts:

16/44.1/512 Samples

24/96/256 Samples

24/96/512 Samples

24/192/512 Samples

Btw, the mentioned settings were the only one I tried. Prior to this upgrade things were fine. The PC meter in cubase shows that it sporadically gets pretty high usage, but I have a very powerful (2019 i7 16gb of ram, liquid cooling, high end graphics card, etc.)

The PC is also my daily driver and uses Kaspersky Total Security for anti-virus.

I do not use Studio One as when I purchased my unit I already had a license of Cubase 10 Pro. I've been using it in a variety of settings for months with only minor issues (mostly user error) however, after the November update, it's basically unusable. If I can't sort this out, I'm saying goodbye to Presonus again (previous products have let me WAY down, and I stupidly tried again) but this time I won't be back.
