Questions & Answers

Ipad video camera problem

+1 vote
asked Dec 14, 2019 in AudioBox i-Series by ricbeales (130 points)
I am recording a single guitar and, using mono settings in Capture Duo all is well (and Garage Band also) with good quality audio in both ears

However, when using the video camera on my iPad Pro, with the signal from my AudioBox i-one, I only hear audio on the right side when I play back the video. All sounds ok when monitoring from the AudioBox during recording. I have tried starting audio recording in Capture Duo then changing to the camera app (and vice versa) but I don’t think the iPad can multitask both apps.

It would be great if I could do the video and audio on one device.

Many thanks in anticipation,


1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 21, 2020 by jedgaylin (150 points)
I have this problem too. Using it for video recording