Questions & Answers

Ipad doesn't recognize iOne

0 votes
asked Jan 15, 2021 in AudioBox i-Series by ericboodro (120 points)
I had been able to use my ione with my iPad pro/Garage band, but after updating to ios14 the iPad no longer detects the audiobox.

I've updated the box's firmware to 1.33, have tried multiple power sources, have followed the correct order for plugging power in - nothing. It also seems that ios14 has a different permission scheme so the advice about changing microphone privacy no longer works.

Anybody seen this? Fixed it?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered May 1, 2021 by benjaminweber3 (140 points)
I'm having this exact issue.  I'm using the right higher output power supply, the Presonus and Apple cables.  No joy.

Does anyone have an answer for this?  I'm starting to think I need a different interface
0 votes
answered Jan 17, 2022 by rjqtbqep (140 points)

Anyone? Hallo? Same problem here. My iPad always wants to use the iPad microphone and I can‘t change that. Really annoying.

Seek for help.

