Questions & Answers

I bought an upgrade that I can’t use!!!

+1 vote
asked Dec 21, 2019 in Studio One 4 by justinhall3 (130 points)
Hello! I recently purchased an upgrade with the intent to upgrade my version of studio one artist 4 to professional but discovered after the purchase that what I had actually purchased was an upgrade from professional to producer/professional!?! May I ask what helpful options you have in this situation? Maybe I could purchase, sort of like an in between artist and pro that will allow me to use this upgrade I have already purchased? Thank you in advance for any assistance you can provide to me? I do enjoy your products and I am really looking forward to utilizing the professional software inside my studio very soon!

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Jan 13, 2020 by johnhargrove (160 points)
It would seem these people have no answers or tech support. I have a similar problem. Upgraded to Artist from Prime. Artist is nowhere to be found. I have tried to authenticate it but it says I have a bogus serial number. When I click on about studio one it shows my original Prime product key. I've been waiting 4 hrs. now and nada.