Questions & Answers

Purchased an Upgrade to Professional from Artist in Studio One 4, but it won't upgrade.

0 votes
asked Dec 29, 2019 in Studio One 4 by jamesbell26 (120 points)
I purchased the upgrade to Professional from Artist and I am unable to get my Studio One 4 to upgrade.

I can't find anything in FAQ nor have any resources online been any help.

I am using a DESKTOP-TDN6RC6

Thanks so much.

James Bell / [email protected]

4 Answers

0 votes
answered Dec 30, 2019 by rogerprivitt1 (450 points)
edited Dec 30, 2019 by rogerprivitt1
This also just happened to me. I look at the Help dropdown menu and it still shows my original Artis Product Key instead of the new Professional Product Key - even though it shows "Studio One Win x64 (Built on Dec 10 2019). I tried manually activating the Pro Product Key, and it say it was already activated. The opening page banner also shows "Studio One Artist".

I started a Problem Ticket. I am in the USA, so their response time is always sluggish.

A real bummer indeed.
+5 votes
answered Dec 31, 2019 by bobbmarshall (240 points)
Once you have purchased the Professional Upgrade insure that it is registered in your My Presonus account.

Open Studio one 4 Artist and let it load. At the top left side of  Studio One you will find  File-View-Studio One and Help.... Click on Studio One, scroll down to first item...Studio One Activation...Studio One Activation Window opens.  Go down to product key window and click on the down arrow in the small window. On the keys listed select the Studio One 4 Professional and click on that code. Click the activate BAR.

Download will complete and once that happens it will ask you if you want to restart.  Restart and you will notice that the title has changed from Artist to Professional.  2 months it took me to get here. DO NOT check the UPGRADE KEY DO NOT USE UPGRADE on the upper right hand side, that is where the problem lies.  Hope it works.  Bobb Marshall-Round Rock Texas. Have a Great Day!
0 votes
answered Dec 31, 2019 by rodneygriffis (250 points)
Thank you so much. Yes, that's they way to do it.
0 votes
answered Jan 1, 2020 by rogerprivitt1 (450 points)
I am not sure what I did differently earlier. But once I followed bobbmarshall's steps, It finally activated. I swear, I did those exact steps two days ago.

At any rate, problem solved.

Thanks Bob!