Questions & Answers

Parallel Processing on Series III 64s

+1 vote
asked Jan 14, 2020 in StudioLive Series III by truthtabsr (310 points)
My goal is to be able to route my Snare mic to multiple channels so I can use different sounds based on the song being played. I at first thought this would be simple through digital patching. But for some reason digital patching only allows the source to be routed through only one output.

How can I accomplish parallel processing on the 64s? Matrix Mix? 1st hand knowledge on accomplishing this is appreciated.

4 Answers

+1 vote
answered Jan 14, 2020 by wahlerstudios (105,370 points)

The solution is not to think where to route a channel TO, but where to source a channel FROM. Example: Snare on channel 1. If you want to hear snare on channel 2, go to the channel 2 settings/patching and select Analog 1 as input for channel 2. If you want to see snare on channels 3 to 5, simply repeat this procedure. Select Audio input 1 as source for channels 3, 4 and 5.

0 votes
answered Jan 14, 2020 by truthtabsr (310 points)
And that works the same if all the channels come in via AVB?

if snare comes in AVB-2 (Fader 2) and I want the snare also on Fader 3 would I source fader 3 as AVB 2? Or Analog 2?
0 votes
answered Jan 14, 2020 by wahlerstudios (105,370 points)
Yes, it works for any input type and source. If snare is coming in via AVB 2, select AVB 2 as input source for channel 3, channel 4, channel 5 etc. If the microphone is using phantom power, channels 3 to 5 do NOT need phantom power, because input signal 2 is "splitted" digitally.
0 votes
answered Jan 15, 2020 by truthtabsr (310 points)
This process worked perfectly! Thank you! I now have multiple channels of the snare drum with totally different sounds. In fact the second snare runs through the Sub Aux also for a bit more punch!