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Deleted files permanently from takes I've used to comp stuff. Studio one now crashing.

+1 vote
asked Jan 18, 2020 in Studio One 4 by paulponting (130 points)
Okay so this is my situation,

I am new to Studio One coming over from Logic, I have been recording and working on my first song with studio one and I recorded a few takes for vocals and comped the best parts together as you do no problem. But then I permanently Deleted the original takes I wasn't  using no more and now each time I open the project it immediately crashes on me after trying all night I figured that maybe it still needed the original recording source that I had deleted even though I bounced the comp? i can't think of any other reason, unless I'm making a real amateur mistake? when I go to the original recordings they seem to work fine as I made copies before I comped things .   Im hoping this makes sense lol if anyone can help that would be great.



1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 18, 2020 by johnellard (3,150 points)
edited Jan 20, 2020 by johnellard
If you saved the entire folder a song was in, you should be able to drag and drop a copy of the folder back in under Songs (or wherever you save them) and it should work. ALWAYS save the entire song's folder, NEVER just individual files, because hidden files are in there about the song's creation (plugins, etc.).

And always use iCloud Drive on Mac, or Google Drive's Backup & Sync on PCs to keep backups of your work offline.

$2.99 for 200GB a month on either service. 100GB a year for $19.99 on Google and $29.99 a year for 200GB on Google. I pay $1.99 a month for 100GB on iCloud. Unfortunately, Apple doesn't have an annual rate, that I'm aware of.

Since you said you're a newbie to S1, I'd suggest watching a video or 2 about song creation in S1 under the Tutorials from your MyProducts page. At least one of the guys goes into detail about how and where the song files are saved and covers what I can't remember off the top of this aged noggin. Pretty sure that David Vignola's video covers this quite well. He makes sure you understand how to backup ALL of a song's files.