Questions & Answers

Connecting a SL 24.4.2 (non AI) with a SL 24.4.2 AI

0 votes
asked Feb 4, 2020 in Classic Mixers by mathiaspfattner (150 points)

I am wondering how far the expandation of the Studiolive Series goes. I own a SL 24.4.2 non AI and would like to add another Studiolive, but not sure what consoles support the expandation with the non AI models.

Are these following Connections possible:

SL 24.4.2 non AI with SL 24.4.2 non AI    (i konw already this is possible)

SL 24.4.2 non AI with SL 16.4.2 non AI    (should be possible as well)

SL 24.4.2 non AI with SL 24.4.2 AI

SL 24.4.2 non AI with SL 32.4.2 AI

Thanks for your help :-)

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Feb 4, 2020 by wahlerstudios (105,350 points)
selected Feb 6, 2020 by jonnydoyle
Best answer
Cascading is possible within the mixer families, not between. The AI mixers additionally have the option to add a stagebox. The stageboxes aka RM rack mixers can also be cascaded via AVB I (master & slave).

If I may give you an advice: Do not waste your time and money on "old" technology. At some point you might reach a stop of functionality. If you have some old equipment and create the "environment" it needs, it's all fine, at least as long as things work. Why not look for one of the Series III mixers? They're much more fun and you can buy them second hand already for a good price... ;-)