Questions & Answers

Can't change buffer Control Panel & Universal Control has no settings??

+4 votes
asked Feb 13, 2020 in AudioBox USB by kennethmoffett1 (300 points)

I can't change the buffer size to reduce the latency! When in a DAW (tried in Ableton & Reaper), and I click the button to make settings to the buffer, it opens Universal Control but there, it's all blank! There isn't a single setting to adjust! No checkboxes, buttons, sliders,...nothing, nada? 

I read elsewhere in the forum that for this model, I was meant to use another Presonus app called AudioBox Control Panel but i have no such thing!?

I've posted an animated gif below to illustrate but not sure it will animate or not?
Just in case it doesn't work, this should work:

The requested info...
- (Self-built PC)
- Windows 10 x64
- Universal Control v3.1.2.54970, Reaper 6 & Ableton 10
- AudioBox USB, drivers....dunno. It's bundled in the Audio Control download so...?
- Digital Mixer? It's the one in the DAW mentioned above (strange question)
- I don't see a 'More Information' area?

6 Answers

0 votes
answered Mar 12, 2020 by lonnikonoff (150 points)
Hi, this issue is caused by the latest version of Universal Control, I litterally just faced it !

I solved it by uninstalling the latest version (v3.2.0.56558 released february 25th 2020) and by reinstalling the previous version of the firmware, v3.1.2.54970 released november 19th, 2020. It works just as it should now and I'll wait for a future patch, hope this helps you and anybody who encounters this ! :)
0 votes
answered Jun 16, 2020 by daniellawlor (160 points)
Same issue. Just updated to how has this not been fixed yet?
+2 votes
answered Jun 17, 2020 by kennethmoffett1 (300 points)
To all of you coming here because you have the same problem, I finally took the matter to Presonus Support by opening a ticket and was given the solution. I hope it works for you too. Please report back on whether it works or not for you as this will be helpful to everybody coming to this thread at later date with the same problem:

1. Disconnect the AudioBox from your computer.
2. Hit the Windows Key.
3. Now type “View advanced system settings” and press return.
4. Click Environment Variables button.
5. Click the New button for the top section on this window.
6. For "Variable Name:" type this exactly:
7. For "Variable Value:" enter a single number " 1 ".
8. Click OK and couple times and then open the Device Manger.
9. Click the View menu and check "Show Hidden Devices".
10. Right click and Uninstall any "AudioBox", "PreSonus", "USB Audio Device" and/or "Unknown Device" you see listed under any category.
11. Restart your computer.

1 Disable any antivirus software on your computer (e.g McAfee etc).
2 Download a new Universal Control 3.1 installer
3 Right click the installer and select 'Run as administrator'. Follow the steps to complete the installation.
4 Connect and test your AudioBox again.
0 votes
answered Nov 24, 2020 by marketeconomy (160 points)
This fix actually worked for me, thank You
0 votes
answered Mar 19, 2021 by alexanderbowman (150 points)
Thank you! Worked just as you described.
0 votes
answered Aug 12 by martinwerkman (140 points)
Click on remote access in Universal controle there is the option