Questions & Answers

Using Presonus Interfaces as Adat Slaves to other Interfaces?

0 votes
asked Feb 19, 2020 in PreAmps, Signal Processors and Monitoring Hardware by jamescassidy3 (150 points)
Hi, can the AudioBox 1818VSL or Studio 192 interfaces be used to slave to the Adat of an Apollo for the extra mic/line inputs, or does it have to be the Master?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Mar 14, 2020 by AlexTinsley (925,510 points)
Best answer
The 1818VSL nor the Studio 192 will work as a stand alone preamp. These must be connected to a computer to be used.

You can use the Digimax DP-88 with the UA Apollo however there is a small issue with that configuration.

For 44.1K and 48K operation, the DP88 is a good pair with the UA Apollo, you can use the MIDI Ports to control the pre-amps with the DP88. However for SMUX operation at 88.2K and 96K where you only get channels 1-4 due to the higher sample rate, the UA Apollo must be Wordlock Slave to the DP88. UA is aware of this issue.
0 votes
answered Feb 22, 2020 by aka_busker (32,870 points)
This might work with T.O.S.LINK.  - the presonus DP88.  It will expand a studio 192 (master) as a slave so might work as a slave to the Apollo.  The Studio 192 (which I use) is the master which is served by the DP88 slave to offer an extra 8 mic channels to the Studio 192.

However, I am only guessing by what I know the 192 can do and what I understand the DP88 offers.  I have only ever used Presonus gear so cannot advise you as to the Apollo.  

I hope that helps you out.