Questions & Answers

Is it possible to connect 2 studiolive AR12 mixers to one PC and record from both simultaneously?

0 votes
asked Feb 25, 2020 in AR Hybrid USB Mixers by jeffreymarous (150 points)
edited Feb 25, 2020 by jeffreymarous
Is it possible to connect 2 studiolive AR12 mixers to one PC and record from both simultaneously?

If so is there some special configuration required & what would that be? I'm thinking it can't be as simple as just connecting both units and they would both be actively available within Studio One. Any information on if this is possible & if so how to accomplish it would be greatly appreciated.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Feb 26, 2020 by AlexTinsley (925,510 points)
Best answer

No. Windows device driver does not support cascading USB Audio devices.

We make larger mixers to accommodate your input requirements.

StudioLive AR22 offers 22 inputs.

StudioLive Series III Mixers offer up to 32 inputs on the mixer and 32 more using network expandable stageboxes.

We also offer

Studio 192 USB interface with 8 analog inputs and 16 inputs over Digital

Quantum 4848 Thunderbolt interface offers 48 analog inputs using 25 pin snakes, up to 4 units an be cascaded for 192 inputs total.

Contact the sales team or contact your local PreSonus reseller for more information
