Questions & Answers

Best way to move forward using some of my current equipment given StudioLive firewire no longer working with my setup

–1 vote
asked Jun 5, 2024 in Classic Mixers by kevincalnan (240 points)
Over a year and a half ago I had to shut down my home studio because I was building a new home and thought I would be out of commission for about 3 months.  Well that turned out to be 18 months.

After setting up my studio in the new location I found out Presonus is no longer supporting my StudioLive 16.4.2 firewire mixer.  That being the case and since I have been a Presonus customer for over a decade,

I thought it might be best to stay with Presonus equipment.  Besides the mixer I own Presonus monitors, microphones, Faderport8, Atom and use Studio One as my main DAW.  I used the StudioLive firewire interface as my audio matrix connection to the computer.

To solve this problem, in a somewhat budget friendly manner,  I thought I could:

1. Purchase a StudioLive 16.0.2 with a 16x16 usb connection to the computer, or

2. Just use my current StudioLive without the firewire connection and take the stereo out into a new Presonus Quantum interface.

The only problem with option 2 is losing the 16 x 16 firewire audio from the mixer to the computer.

I hope all this makes sense....

I sure would appreciate any thoughts on how best to proceed.