Questions & Answers

My FaderPort 8's Several Buttons not working on Logic Pro X

+1 vote
asked Mar 7, 2020 in FaderPort 8 by baehui-goan (130 points)
Hello, I'm using the product of here 'FaderPort 8' with Logic Pro X

I installed Universal Control Driver and Setup MCU on Logic Pro X to use FaderPort 8

But there are many problems to use well this....

1. I pressed 'Chanel' Button and turn Controls *** or press left or right button, but it's not working. FaderPort 8 don't change my Chanel on Logic ... never...T.T

2. I pressed 'Bank' Button and turn the Controls *** or I pressed Left or Right Buttons to change the Chanel banks, but it's never working...T.T Why...?

3. When I open my new project on the Logic Pro X, (Of course there is only one Chanel when I opened new project) but my FaderPort 8's 4~5 Chanel Faders life up... Why? I expect to only one fader lift up on the FaderPort 8 when I make a new Project and there is only one Chanel... For example, when I made a 7 Tracks on my project, I expect to lift up only 7 faders on my device. Why...? WWWHHHYYY?

Please give me the answer... right answer... Please...T.T