Questions & Answers

Can I cascade a fire studio 2626 with an fp10?

0 votes
asked Mar 14, 2020 in FireStudio Series by bobh1 (190 points)
I have a fire studio 2626 and am wanting to expand.  Found a used FP10.

Wondering if I can cascade the two units together?  Also, I can't seem to find a list of compatible cascade units for the 2626.  does one exist?

Please advise, thanks!

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Mar 14, 2020 by AlexTinsley (925,510 points)
Best answer

It is not possible to cascade the FireStudio 2626 and an FP10, as the drivers / control panels are not compatible with each other. 

For cascading the FireStudio (2626) with other devices, take a look at the User Manual, page 42 available in the download page for the FireStudio 2626 in the discontinued section

Last version of UC and supported OS was Mac OS X 10.6.8 / Windows 7 SP1 that supported the 2626 is also on that download page. 

Some of the devices that the 2626 would cascade with were supported on newer OS, however the 2626 will not appear on any OS other than it's last supported UC version. 

For community support for the FireStudio 2626 go to our community forum for legacy devices

0 votes
answered Mar 16, 2020 by bobh1 (190 points)

Thanks.  I have looked at the manual.  On pg 24 it has a fuzzy graphic of interface math.

They don't actually say that the FS 26x26 can only be cascaded with the specific presonus interfaces.  From the graphic, it looks like there are three compatible interfaces:

- FS Project
- FS Tube
- FS Mobile

Can you confirm, please?
