Questions & Answers

How do I reduce the latency on a USB96?

0 votes
asked Apr 1, 2020 in AudioBox USB by steverosefield (120 points)
I'm attempting to use a USB 96 interface with Calkwalk. It passes audio, but the latency is unacceptable. Is there a buffer adjustment or something that would help?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Apr 25, 2020 by bradabernathy (180 points)
i am having same issue would love to know the answer.

seems to only happen when I monitor the input from the instrument, like when playing along with a scratch track.
0 votes
answered May 5, 2020 by avyschreiber (140 points)
And I'm also having the same problem, but with the regular Audiobox and StudioOne 2.