Questions & Answers

Hearing Computer sound while studio one is open

0 votes
asked Apr 3, 2020 in Studio One 4 by lamontwhealton (150 points)
I have dual monitor setup and can't follow videos on YouTube and use studio one simultaneously. Using the free version, does the pro version have this limitation and is there a work around.


windows 10 64 bit

U-phoria umc404hd interface


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 19, 2020 by joeperkins (140 points)
I have the same issue.  I am using the AudioBox USB 96.  I have the universal control driver set to Windows Audio.  in Studio one, I get the play through from there to my headphones plugged into the main computer jack.

the issue comes when I try to use sound from any other source on the computer.  my music media, internet like youtube or a bass lessons site I am using.  none of that will play through.  you tube and the bass lesson site even have an error about 'Audio Renderer error, please restart your computer'.

so how can we have the Studio One/universal control driver setup running and play along with resources such as described above.