Questions & Answers

Faderport 8 Channel button has no response...

0 votes
asked Apr 3, 2020 in FaderPort 8 by shanefaulkner (230 points)
edited Apr 3, 2020 by shanefaulkner
Hi, all!

I have:
- Studio One 4 Pro (
- Universal Control (
- Faderport 8 (Firmware: 3.42 / Build: 16732)

I have been reading all over the forums; however, I can't seem to find anything related to my issue, so I'm wondering if it is a singular issue with me, or my Faderport 8.

I just received the FP8, but the Channel button does not seem to do anything.

I know what it is SUPPOSED to do (SHIFT+Channel = Inspector / Static Channel = Channel selection), but... in either case, it does not illuminate, nor does it respond in any way, when it is pressed.

When I run the TESTS function for all LED's, it illuminates fine... but it doesn't seem to have anything assigned to it and doesn't respond to being pressed.

All videos I have seen show the Channel button responding any time it is pressed, seemingly regardless of any particular Mode.

Would anyone, please, have any insight on that?

Thank you so much!