Questions & Answers

Mouse functions/shortcuts?

+6 votes
asked Apr 18, 2020 in Editing by peternappi (230 points)

Hello, would love if you could edit the mouse functions (like keyboard shorcuts), or even create your own tool/cursor. I recently moved from pro tools and everything is amazing except the editing. It takes me double the amount of time to edit audio. Simple things like duplicating are more complicated than they should be...if the editing could be more like pro tools or ableton, that would make this program easily the best daw. Here is an example of the duplicating I was referring to -

Mainly making your own tool/cursor and editing the mouse functions would would solve most of my Issues and help everyone out... If anyone has any tips that would be greatly appreciated!

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Mar 11, 2021 by paveltalpa (140 points)
Hi, i got a problem in new version 5.2 with mouse mapping. In version before a had on my mouse already mapped things like duplicate, volume + - a some coll macros but it does not working after latest update.