Questions & Answers

How do I configure Studio One 4 for punch in/out recording using a foot controller?

0 votes
asked Apr 24, 2020 in Studio One 4 by mivey (260 points)

I'm new to the community and coming from a Cubase DAW environment. I've searched everywhere and cannot find how to setup my MIDI foot controller to control the punch in and out record feature within Studio One 4.

In Cubase there was an area for MIDI controllers and I just made the assignment to my foot controller and was able to specify what parameters within the DAW I wanted it to control.

Within Studio One 4 I've assigned my MIDI foot controller (FCB-1010) without any issues but I cannot seem to locate where I can designate it to arm the recording feature on the transport.

I am currently. demoing and everything about Studio One has got me sold on the purchase but being able to punch and out for recording is a huge thing for me.

I would really appreciate if someone could point me in the right direction on how to accomplish this.


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 24, 2020 by mivey (260 points)
So looks like I couldn't find the answer to my own question until after posting it. Lol Funny how that works. Found enough info here to figure it out. Wasn't really an obvious task as some of the other things within Studio One but was really easy once I viewed this video and started fumbling around a bit.