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Not getting any levels or sound from mic/"selected device has no input controls" - prosonus audiobox 96 with podmic

+1 vote
asked May 8, 2020 in AudioBox USB by sammylevine (170 points)
I'm literally just trying to use my new rode podmic and audiobox usb 96  with my computer for zoom, skype, and some podcasting.   (not even trying to use in any other programs for now) I have a macbook pro mid 2012 with MacOS Catalina 10.15.  

got the audiobox usb 96 because i heard it was just a plug and play.  So I plugged it in and the mic is detected as i can choose it in all my preferences on the computer, zoom, etc, but no sound or levels are coming through the mic.  It's just not working.  I haven't figured out why this is the case and i've looked everywhere.  

what could it be?  the mac?  usb port?  

If i don't get this resolved, then i just wasted time getting the audiobox usb 96.  It looked like a perfect interface.  unless any interface i plug in will have the same problem if its my computer.  please help!  thanks

2 Answers

0 votes
answered May 13, 2020 by lauragoheen (160 points)
I'm having this exact same issue. Did you ever figure out how to resolve it?
0 votes
answered May 13, 2020 by sammylevine (170 points)
have not resolved it yet.  i may have to return it and go with another interface such as focusrite or something else