Questions & Answers

Any drawbacks using "Windows Audio" rather than "Audiobox" in Studio One 3 audio device?

+1 vote
asked Feb 14, 2016 in Studio One 3 by kjelleilertsen (390 points)
The title says it all really, but here's some more background info.

I found that if I set Studio One 3 to directly use my Audiobox iTwo, I can not use my USB microphone as a input and I will also have issues with getting sound outside Studio One 3 (like my web browser).
Changing Studio One 3 Audio Device to use Windows Audio instead and setting my Audiobox iTwo as default in Windows solves both problems, but I'm thinking there may be some drawbacks to doing it this way?
Latency perhaps?

I'm both using VSTs / synths, recording audio and want as close as possible to zero latency monitoring when using my electric guitar with Guitar Rig or Ampire within Studio One 3.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Feb 14, 2016 by ghasenbeck (355,490 points)
Best answer


The reason you are not able to use your USB Mic and Abox iTwo at the same time is two fold.

1) Your computer sees both the iTwo and the USB mic as independent audio interfaces and needs you to make a choice of which one to use. It can only use one audio interface at a time.

2) Many USB Mics work in tandem with Windows Audio and you would want to consult your USB Mic's Manual for proper setup not only on your computer, but also with use in a DAW.

Not sure 100% how you are setting up your iTwo, but keep this in mind....

-The iTwo is an upgrade to your computer's on-board audio card. It replaces your computer's audio card in the signal chain. So, any audio you are inputing and or outputting, when using the iTwo; will be going in and out of the iTwo. Speakers and or headphones will be necessary and directly connected to the iTwo for proper usage.

This brochure has two hook up diagrams on it, showing how it can ben connected to a computer:


As far as latency, all interfaces will have some latency. Latency is the round trip time it takes for a signal to be deployed, travel into the interface, into the computer, through the software and then back out via headphones or speakers; in this case. No matter if you use the USB mic or the will have some latency. This is where proper setup of your sampling rate and block size play a big part in your overall digital audio recording experience.

If you are using Synths, VST..etc; then you would need to stick to the iTwo and see about adding some non-USB Mics to your arsenal.
commented Feb 16, 2016 by ghasenbeck (355,490 points)
Your question is actually more in depth than that. If you take a look at your post:

- " I'm both using VSTs / synths, recording audio and want as close as possible to zero latency monitoring when using my electric guitar with Guitar Rig or Ampire within Studio One 3."

-"I found that if I set Studio One 3 to directly use my Audiobox iTwo, I can not use my USB microphone as a input and I will also have issues with getting sound outside Studio One 3 (like my web browser)."


So, based on your overall usage and needs ( as listed in your post ).. you should be using the AudioBox with a Standard non-usb Mic.

-This allows for Guitar, Vocals and Midi ( for VSTs/Plugins/Syths )

-It appears, based on your post, that you may not understand fully how interfaces like this fully operate. You set them up as your default device in Windows ( replacing the onboard soundcard ) as well as set them up in Studio One as the Audio Device. Once properly configured, you control the routing within Studio One as per your needs.

-If you are unable to hear audio from Youtube while Studio One is active, change the settings in Studio One " Release Audio In Background " and make sure that you have headphones and or speakers directly connected to the AudioBox.
0 votes
answered Feb 15, 2016 by kjelleilertsen (390 points)
Uhm, quite unfamiliar with this "forum" software, should I have used "Answer" rather than "Ask a new question relating to this answer" ???