Questions & Answers

But how can I do it with the prepackaged instruments?

0 votes
asked May 11, 2020 in Studio One 4 by steveroberts5 (190 points)
Thanks, but this isn't solving the issue of being able to create multi instrument tracks: I seem to be unable to create any with the preexisting instruments, and I don't have a multi instruments type available in the browser.

So, when I watch any playthroughs, they simply drag another instance of mai tai/presence etc onto each other and then it gives the option to combine them.

Why isn't mine doing that?
related to an answer for: No combine option for multi instruments

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered May 11, 2020 by matthewritenburg (17,340 points)

Which version of Studio One are you using?  Prime, Artist, or Pro?  It appears, according to the product comparison that multi instruments are only available in pro:

0 votes
answered May 11, 2020 by steveroberts5 (190 points)
Thank you Matt!

Was totally looking at the wrong part of the version earlier and thought this meant multi instruments was included. May well upgrade to slim down workflow!