Questions & Answers

Does the Studio 24C accept the signal from a guitar with an active pickup?

+1 vote
asked May 11, 2020 in AudioBox USB by brucewest1 (130 points)
The user manual for my new Studio 24c specifies a guitar with a passive pickup. My guitars all have active pickups and the signal meter on the unit is registering a weak signal. Are active pickup instruments supposed to work in the Studio 24C unit?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 23, 2024 by dimitriospetridis2 (140 points)
I will just dig up that question again since I faced the same problem.
I also have a Studio 24c interface and unfortunately it doesn't pick up the signal from my guitar with active pick ups. Although, If I remember right, it picked up the signal from my bass with active pick ups quite well.
Do you have any solution or news on that topic? Does anyone else maybe know a solution?