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My Effects won't open in new windows?

0 votes
asked May 15, 2020 in Studio One 3 by timothydaniel1 (160 points)

I'm new so this might be a stupid question with a stupid answer ..

I can add effects under "inserts" but those effects won't open in new windows to gain full control of it. I can edit slightly but expanding and using the few options available (see pic below), but obviously this is not the same.

I know the effects are there somewhere, because they work on the track, and I can make adjustments to what is available in the expanded dropdown box. I just can't see the window that gives me full control over something like Ampire.

This was working fine a few days ago, so I figured I hit a hot key or something, I went through the view options and hotkeys and view options and nothing I tried worked.

Any help would be appreciated.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered May 15, 2020 by timothydaniel1 (160 points)
As an update, I've tried resetting the window locations but this didn't work
0 votes
answered Jan 4, 2024 by [email protected] (350 points)
Hi. Did you get an answer to this? I just installed 6.5, and suddenly find myself in the same problem... The effect IS there - I can see it in the channel browser - and it works - But I don't see the full effect window. This alsso applies to the native effects - not only VST's