Questions & Answers

Studiolive 32S not working on Mac Catalina as audio interface

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asked May 15, 2020 in StudioLive Series III by andrevejdani (120 points)

I got a Studiolive 32 S.

It works perfectly as an audio interface on a Windows 10 PC (i5), but I couldn't get it to work on a Mac Catalina with superior hardware.

When I open any DAW (Studio One or Ableton) and try to play a song using Studiolive as the sound device, it cracks like crazy and the sound gets stuck. It's horrible.

I also have a MOTU 8Pre Audio Interface, but this one works perfectly on both computers.

I didn't have to do any special configuration for it to work on Windows, but nothing I did so far solved the problem on the Mac.

Any ideas of what I'm missing?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 15, 2020 by paulgibson3 (150 points)
If you are using a 2020 new MacBook pro or I think also the latest dell running Windows the studiolive series three is not compatible with the new chip, I have the same issue and so far Presonus have been unable to fix it, the only workaround I have found so far is to use AVB instead but it’s a bit flakey.... for others I wouldn’t buying a studiolive series three if you have a new MacBookpro 2020 as they don’t currently work together and no idea if and when this will get sorted... been very disappointed personally.