Questions & Answers

VST routing rack for live mixing built into Capture.

+1 vote
asked Jun 11, 2021 in Capture for StudioLive by lancejedi (450 points)
edited Jun 11, 2021 by lancejedi
In the same style as waves multirack. An addition to Capture for routing VST to individual live channels.
I know this can be done in Studio One, but its not a very good solution.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jun 22, 2021 by jonnydoyle (403,780 points)
Best answer
Capture is for recording simple audio. Its not a DAW, so this will not be possible. You can use Studio One.
0 votes
answered Jun 22, 2021 by lancejedi (450 points)
How about if not built into Capture, a standalone rack app for routing live signal / aux sends through VST.
I was mentioning Capture as it would be great to be able to open 1 app for recording as well as routing VST without fuss since it is already accepting the signal

it would mean less hassle than using studio one as in a live environment there is a greater risk of catastrophic results when doing things on the fly, like major feedback loops.

Maybe I failed to articulate the reason on the original post.