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Studiolive 16 III Recordsing on multiple channels with Studio 1 v4 - But no playback

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asked Jun 3, 2020 in Studio One 4 by simonthackeray (120 points)
Hi there. This is a very very newbie question so forgive me!

Ive just bought a Studiolive 16 Series III to track my drums. I updated the firmware as soon as I got it.

I have set it up with 10 channels of mics, and done a sound check as a live mixer to make sure my levels are fine. All ok. Phantom etc set up properly.

The problem comes when I try to record. Im using Studio One v4 on A MacBook Pro 2015 with 16gb ram connected directly by USB. I have the song set up with the 32 channels Input routed 1:1 as I'm using the default 'Studiolive 16' Setting for the new song. The output channels are also the default 1:1 with the L+R at 37/38.

I selected the 16 track band setting for the new song. channel 17 is L+R on that song.

I have routed the output using Audiomidi in OSX to 37/38, and set up the SL16 as the input output device in Mac OSX. I can play Spotify perfectly through the mixer and monitor it in my headphones. The Studiolive is in Daw mode when I record. All the inputs are prefader just at this point whilst I get used to it.

I did a basic test recording and the individual tracks all recorded ok. The faders for all 10 mics in daw mode are at unity.  The problems comes when I try to play back. I cannot hear any of the tracks either individually or playing together through the Studiolive at all.

If I take the unit off DAW mode and press the USB input I get some sound playback, but it doesn't resemble what is recorded, sounds incredibly muffled (like cardboard boxes) and with some of the tracks missing, particularly those that have the condensers on. My mics might not be the best, but they certainly aren't as bad as the playback sounds!

If I solo the cymbals and hihat there is nothing there at all on playback, but there is clearly a track for these with all the highs and lows!. The monitor leds are moving throughout. There is nothing in the channel 17 L+R track at all in the recording as all I selected to record was the individual drum channels. However, there is no way I can get them to play back at all.

I realise I'm probably doing something really simple wrong, and its a setting somewhere either in Studio 1 or the mixer. Could someone just give me a pointer to get this sorted as I've just sat and stared at the thing for the last 2 hours without any joy!! Ive also disconnected the Studiolive from the computer and tried to play back using the internal speakers but even that has no sound.

Thanks in advance, Simon