Questions & Answers

Any trick to get NSB 16.8 to work with StudioLive 16 Series III. I get no signal when I plug a microphone into the NSB.

+1 vote
asked Sep 20, 2019 in Networked Stage Box by douglasbloomquist (180 points)
I have an NSB 16.8 connected via a Cat 6 ethernet cable to my StudioLive 16 Series III. I've gone thru the stage box setup process and assigned inputs and outputs as directed in the instructions. I have a blue light on the NSB indicating it is connected to the network and a green dot next to the NSB on the display of the StudioLIve 16. When I connect a microphone to any of the inputs on the NSB I get absolutely no signal on my StudioLive 16. What am I missing?  Are there any tricks to getting this to work?

3 Answers

–1 vote
answered Sep 25, 2019 by jonnydoyle (403,780 points)
Best answer

Please see the following videos that will explain how to setup the NSB stage boxes.

2 Stage Boxes:

1 Stage Box:

0 votes
answered Sep 21, 2019 by wahlerstudios (105,370 points)
Have you set the inputs of the 16R to Network?
–1 vote
answered Sep 22, 2019 by douglasbloomquist (180 points)
Thanks, I figured it out. The Stagebox setup screen is not entirely clear. I tried different combinations of AVB sends and finally got it to work.