Questions & Answers

Heil PR40 in to a NON-TRRS MacBook Air

0 votes
asked Jun 6, 2020 in AudioBox USB by clintbradford (150 points)
USED to use the wonderful ProSonus TubePRE with a genuine TungSol tube in to the MIC INPUT of my glorious 17" MacBook Pro to achieve enviable voice quality ...

But now I need to have similar great quality on a 13" 2015-era MacBook Air (Mojave) WITHOUT TRRS capability. Just for Zoom and other services ... and podcasting.

I love the voice quality of the TUBEPre ... Can I add a AudioBox USB 96 and plug in to ky MacBook Air and be "happy?"

PLEASE do not recommend that I replace my HEIL PR40 microphone. Just tell me if there is a PreSonus solution to connecting it to my MacBook Air,


Clint Bradford

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 6, 2020 by AlexTinsley (925,350 points)
Best answer

Just turn down the input on the Audiobox input hard left, then you can use the output of your pre-amp into the AudioBox.