Questions & Answers

Aux Sends - on [FX] Channels

0 votes
asked Jun 12, 2020 in Studio One 4 by technicaldepartment (190 points)

In PT's -AUX channels are normally used as [Effects Returns] in your mix. Various reverbs, delays, etc, etc.

In S1. You can add an FX channel. Great same as PT's. However in PT's an Aux channel - ALSO - has Aux sends. I.E. You want the output of a reverb to also send to a delay.

In S1-V4.6 - There seems to be no way to add [Aux Sends]. How would I do this??

Here is the problem, besides the one listed above. I'm setting up individual cue mixes for 3 musicians. On the regular audio channels no problem, Just add 3 [pre-sends] to each audio channel. now HOWEVER, the singer wants some of the echo in his cans and the drummer wants some of the Non-Lin reverb in his. HOW can I set this up on the FX return channels in S1-V4.6?

Sometimes I think that the Studio 1 software designers have > never, ever < seen are real recording or live console! It took until V4 for them to adjust the metering to be able to show > "Tape" playback level, not post fader.  Didn't ever check out what the VU meters on every console were looking at!

And then now in V4 still having FX channels with no ?easy? send to an Aux/FX.

These have been standard in consoles, since at least the mid 1960's.

Thanks in advance.

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Jun 15, 2020 by timmorris (830 points)
Its true that the FX channels are limited in this way, this easy way to overcome it is to create a Bus, name its as the FX i.e Reverb etc  and insert the FX there, you can then send onto other FX channels.

Thats  all I can answer.