Questions & Answers

Studio 24c - why do I get outputs on both channels with Line and headphones when I am only inputing on channel 1

+4 votes
asked Jun 14, 2020 in Studio Series USB Interfaces by peterbarabash (270 points)
edited Jun 26, 2020 by peterbarabash
I am only inputting on input 1.

Through my headphones I hear the input on both L&R ears.

The same is output in both L & R Line outs.

The mixer is set hard left to only output inouts an dnothing is enabled on my computer to send anything back anyway.

I would expect only to hear the Left channel output and nothing from the right.

The same happens when I input into channel 2 - I stll get output on both channels.

In a DAW - I do only get one channel from input 1 as expected.

6 Answers

+4 votes
answered Jun 25, 2020 by patrickigoe (220 points)
I just ran into the same issue. It appears that the 24c, with the Mixer knob set to Input, sums the two inputs in mono and then outputs the same mono signal to both left and right outputs. This was a big disappointment to me. The Scarlett 2i2 has a mono/stereo button that I believe makes it behave as you and I expected the Presonus 24c to behave. As a Scarlett 18i20 owner, I now wish I'd stuck with Focusrite when adding a low end box for my other machine.

I had to use Loopback on the Mac to send input 1 back out to left output and input 2 back out to the right output, then turn the Mixer knob hard right. Of course that totally gives up the low-latency purpose of having input monitoring on the box.

Very disappointed with this thing.
+3 votes
answered Jun 26, 2020 by peterbarabash (270 points)
edited Jun 26, 2020 by peterbarabash
Thanks for confirming. Glad it's not just me although I am annoyed I made the wrong purchase by assuming it would work as we both expected.

Whilst there is no steroe/mono button, this functionality could be implemented by an option in the Universal Control. Does anybody from Presonus care to comment?

I don't like the  fact that Presonus relies on just putting up this forum with loads of  unanswered questions which  saves them actually providing proper technical support.
0 votes
answered Feb 22, 2021 by philippbaumann1 (270 points)
I have the same problem with my 68c ... I have open a ticket and linked to this thread. Hopefully somebody help us ...
0 votes
answered Feb 24, 2021 by philippbaumann1 (270 points)


i use a Studio 68c and the HP4 Headphone Amp. 

On Line 1/2 of my 68c i connect my smartphone via a Y-Cable TS Mono to Jack on the other side for my smartphone. 

Then use 2 Mono Cable to connect from Monitor-Outputs of the Presonus to the Input of the HP4, where my Headphone is connected. 

Turn on Line Level 1/2 half.

Turn on Line-Button on the front.

Turn on Main Level half. 

Now got to Sound Settings on your PC and  go to tab "Recording". Select your Presonus Line 1/2. Right click into the Settings and select "Listen" where i turned on "Listen to that device" ... 2 correct signal (left/right) ... Perfect.

Thats my workaround.

+1 vote
answered May 27, 2022 by janrychter (180 points)
Just ran into this while trying to figure out why my Studio 24c would not output a stereo signal to the balanced outputs. This is *so* disappointing, and I wish it was clearly specified in the specs, I would not have bought the device if I knew of this limitation.
0 votes
answered Jun 5, 2023 by rhzellpvoas (150 points)

Minha interface 24c também não reproduz mais o som playback stereo pela saída Phones.

Estou usando um Macbook .

Estava normal e subitamente passou a dar esse problema.