Questions & Answers

Custom fader widths

+14 votes
asked Jun 15, 2020 in Hardware Integration / Remote Control by timmorris (830 points)
I would really like to be able to make all my faders the size I want, not just default wide or narrow, on a larger monitor you should be able to pull all the faders to fill the screen no matter how many you have showing.

3 Answers

+1 vote
answered Jul 26, 2020 by djmogovan (1,170 points)
Just like Cubase Pro 10.5! Yes!

or at a minimum maybe mimic the 'minimal' through 'xlarge' adjustable setting for the arranger but do that also for the mixer/faders?
0 votes
answered Nov 5, 2020 by scottiej (910 points)
I did find a workaround if you are wanting to resize the faders to match the real-world dimensions of your faderport or other mixer. I wanted mine to match up with the screen perfectly, so I went into the Nvidia Control Panel on my desktop (right-click) and created a custom resolution wider than my monitor. For best results, use a calculator and work with solid fractions that provide whole numbers for your widths (i.e. 1-1/20, 1-1/16, 1-1/15, 1-1/12, 1-1/10, 1-1/8, etc.) For me 2112x1200 (which is 1-1/10) works for me (native is 1920x1200). Once you have created this custom resolution, you'll need to make the change in the OS display settings (right-click desktop). It works perfectly. I don't even notice any aliasing. When I'm not using Studio One, I can just change it back to standard resolution in display settings.
0 votes
answered Jul 14, 2024 by ghghhhttyyugh (700 points)

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