Questions & Answers

Latency figures - quantum vs quantum 2626

0 votes
asked Jun 29, 2020 in Thunderbolt - Quantum by magnusheimbrger (120 points)
Is the RTL latency figures the same for quantum vs the new TB3 2626 interface? I know in theory that the audio speed is the same between TB2 and TB3 but maybe there is new components such as faster analouge design/components and AD/DA converters in 2626.....?

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Jul 3, 2020 by Michael Warner (1,170 points)
I just got a TB3 Quantum 26x26 a couple days ago to run with my MacBook Pro.  After I updated the Quantum firmware via UniversalControl my round trip latency is 2 milliseconds in Logic Pro X 10.5.  I know that is not exactly what you asked but it IS a real World figure that I'm happy with!  Good luck with the rest of the info you seek.  - Michael
asked Feb 26, 2021 in Thunderbolt - Quantum by robertomeola (200 points)
edited Feb 26, 2021 by robertomeola
quantum 2626 Latency
0 votes
answered May 27, 2021 by kendallmiles1 (490 points)
The latency depends on the buffer size you use. I am running Ableton 11. If you have a high end PC, you will be lucky to run a buffer size of 256 with no issues, most people can run between 256-1024. 1ms latency doesn't matter if your computer cannot run it. I will leave my latency figures from ableton in hope that it can help somebody:


(Buffer size 32) - overall latency:  2.72ms, input latency: .91ms, output latency: 1.81ms

(Buffer size 64) - overall latency: 3.45ms, input latency: 1.63ms, output latency: 1.81ms

(Buffer size 128) - overall latency: 6.35ms, input latency: 3.08ms, output latency: 3.27ms

(Buffer size 256) - overall latency: 12.2 ms, input latency: 5.99ms, output latency: 6.17ms

(Buffer size 512)- overall latency: 23.8ms, input latency: 11.8ms, output latency: 12ms

(Buffer size 1024)- overall latency: 47ms, input latency: 23.4ms, output latency: 23.6ms

(Buffer size 2048)- overall latency: 93.4ms, input latency: 46.6ms, output latency: 46.8ms


As you can see, it is possible with this device to get 2.72ms overall latency, but you will need to run extremely low buffer size which will push your computer to its wits end. You will experience audio dropouts, crackles pops, etc. if you use medium strength VSTs on a medium sized project. At an actual workable buffer size, the latency increases dramatically. With the drivers/software errors I have had the device is not really worth it, especially if you are on time limitations. However, I have a support ticket open with Presonus to see if we can get it fixed.
0 votes
answered Mar 11, 2022 by midiman007 (180 points)
I have noticed the 262 is backwards, Most devices experience higher latency with higher recording htz.


Pro 40 48 htz / 24 bit 128 buffer I get 3 ms RTL.

2626  48 htz / 24 bit 128 buffer I get 3 ms RTL.

Pro 40 96 / 24/128 buffer i get 8 to 9

2626 192 / 24 128 buffer > 1 ms.

Now this is great if I ran I high end recording studio but in the real world 48 htz is the idea recording htz.

Why are the drivers backwards for the 2626? I am pretty sure in the pro audio world most are not buying a 2626 to do 192 recording they are getting higher end stuff.

I don't see why Presonus can' t have 2 drivers one for the average user to get > 1ms at 48 and another for all those who which to record at 192 with less  > 1 ms.