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StudioLive 16.0.2 USB HPF discrepancy between board and UC

+3 votes
asked Jun 30, 2020 in UC Surface / Qmix by patrickhochstuhl (160 points)
I am using the StudioLive 16.0.2 USB (FW v230) on a macOS 10.15.4 and Pixel C (android 8.1.0) and there appears to be a discrepancy when I apply a HPF to a channel. If I toggle the HPF on in UC, the button on the board does not light up, and the same applies if I press the button on the board, it does not reflect in UC. If I adjust the frequency knob, this works as expected from UC to board and board to UC. Anyone else seeing this?

2 Answers

+4 votes
answered Nov 15, 2020 by ltcxnjip (220 points) 1 flag

I have the same problem, the HPF switch between the mixer(16.0.2 USB) and the UC software (windows 10) is not synchronized. And the HPF switch on the UC software (windows 10) seems to have no effect. Please kindly fix this bugs. Thanks.

0 votes
answered Jul 30, 2023 by flanger001 (370 points)
I noticed this as well. It makes me have no faith in the mixer or the software! If UC/UC Surface can't accurately synchronize the state of a button, how can I know it is accurately synchronizing anything else?