Questions & Answers

StudioLive 32s possible bug with LED colors

+1 vote
asked Jul 3, 2020 in StudioLive Series III by ZioGuido (540 points)
The right section of the StudioLive 32s seems not to update LED colors immediately.

Try this:


2. Select TAPE

3. Tap on the gear icon to enter the channel settings

4. Change channel color

The LED doesn't follow the color you've selected.

Now press AUX INPUTS again to return to previous channel block, and once again to switch back to Aux inputs, you'll see the LED is now of the correct color.

This is a very minor bug, but probably worth taking into account for the next firmware update, that I hope will also include better metering with precise peak level readouts.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jul 3, 2020 by jonnydoyle (403,780 points)
Best answer
None issue on any mixer I've tested. Update you firmware and re-test. If issue remains then please log a support ticket.
0 votes
answered Jul 3, 2020 by ZioGuido (540 points)

Since you don't believe me... here's a video: 

The video is unlisted. As I said, this is a minor flaw, but since the first 24 strips update colors immediately and the last 8 don't, it must clearly be a bug. At first the light glare in the video doesn't let you see the colors, but you see that each time I switch back and forth between AUX inputs and channels, you see the SELECT led button change color.

The firmware is up to date, version 2.3.16845.
