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VEPro 7 and Studio One 5 loading times

+6 votes
asked Jul 7, 2020 in Instruments and Plug-Ins by brianbunker (260 points)
Tried loading an instance of VEP7 to connect to the slave, and found that it takes about 3-4 minutes of sitting and spinning to get it to go forward.  This isn't to load any data, or connected instrument tracks for each of the MIDI lanes, just the plugin to connect to the server.  For comparison purposes, the same thing on Cubase takes about 5 seconds.

I have about 10-14 instances to connect to use the orchestral template on the Slave computer, so it would take about an hour to just be able to connect to the slave.

Why's it doing this, why would I use this when I would need to abandon my whole workflow and setup, and how can this be corrected?

Before it is mentioned: yes, the VST2 connection takes only moments, but it only gives 16 MIDI lanes, so it's not particularly viable for slave computers without causing a variety of problems.

6 Answers

0 votes
answered Feb 3, 2021 by Lukas Ruschitzka (261,440 points)
Best answer
The issue is known at PreSonus and there will be improvements in future updates.
+1 vote
answered Jul 17, 2020 by normanyoung2 (930 points)
No answer, but I have exactly the same issue - it takes 1 minute 49 seconds to load an instance using VSL Ensemble Pro 7.

It takes about 6 seconds to load VSL Synchron Piano, 5 seconds to load Play, 15 seconds to load Spitfire.

I've just switched from Cakewalk - and for all of these it took about 5 seconds max.

There is clearly something either very clever going on (such as checking for latency) or something completely daft.

Don't know if the technical guys keep an eye on this group - perhaps someone there might explain why/how to stop this, and if not, when the fix will be implemented.

I've only just started using Studio One 5 - I will use it mainly with MIDI, but I must say there are some gaping holes in this area.

There certainly appears to be an issue with Hollywood Choirs (Play) which I'm still experimenting with (and that's not trying to use it through VSL EP).  I can get it working properly if I use a separate instance for each voice within VSL EP, but not as direct VST3 instruments in tracks.
+1 vote
answered Jul 19, 2020 by lyessehamadou (470 points)

Same problem here sad.  I have that since V4.5.4. Awful and I can't find a way to solve it.

+1 vote
answered Sep 2, 2020 by chriswinter4 (160 points)
Same problem here. No answer unfortunately.

Takes forever to connect to tracks in VSL when just selecting them for record. VEP server also crashes regularly when doing simple things in Studio One.

Haven't tried the VST2 - might try get down to 16 MIDI channels and give that a go.
0 votes
answered Jan 12, 2021 by iuliancumpana (540 points)

Same here and it seems no action to improve that was performed since first time this concern was raised last year.

I switched from Nuendo to S1 the scoring because I want to use the DAW controlling features of my SL32 mixer with S1.

It takes about 20 min to load 14 VEP7 instances for like 30 tracks. In Nuendo that was 1-2 min maxi.

@Presonus team: is this something you are taking it seriously or not? As S1-5 has so many new scoring capabilities, this performance issue may make people stay way from it. Thanks!

commented Feb 3, 2021 by Lukas Ruschitzka (261,440 points)
Yes, this is taken seriously.
0 votes
answered Jul 18, 2022 by charlesparente (210 points)
Still same problem today in July 2022. Latest versions VEP and S1.

 Takes forever to connect to VEP tracks when just selecting them for record.  Spinning beach ball on my Mac for 60 seconds. Unusable workflow and hoping for a fix.