Questions & Answers

Does Studio One Pro create noise when using negative track delay?

–1 vote
asked Jul 7, 2020 in Studio One 5 by Presonustest (110 points)
I read this in a VI forum.
"as the AudioImperia stuff specifically relies on the negative track delay (-125ms in the case of Nucleus) and Studio one only produces sonic garbage when you put the track delay anywhere near those numbers. Depends on what they do tomorrow, maybe S1 5 has improved on that end"

Is this true?

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Jul 8, 2020 by DE-Tune (160 points)
Sonic garbage in terms of it messes up the midi information, when you play back a 16th string ostinato everything is fine until you touch the track delay. Suddenly the playback of the notes jumps all over the place, no usable performance anymore. Sadly this wasn’t addressed or fixed in V5