Questions & Answers

New instruments and Effects Failed to download with Studio One 5 P=Pro

+9 votes
asked Jul 7, 2020 in Studio One 5 by toddzimmerman (1,140 points)
I Just upgraded from Studio One Pro  4.6 to 5m But all the new adding content (Plug-ins, instruments, loops, samples)

all failed tho download, and there seems tp be mp p[topm tp latte,[t the dpwm;pad again.   My system appears to be

activated, so I am at a total loss to know what the issue is.

9 Answers

+4 votes
answered Jul 7, 2020 by timtaylor12 (600 points)
I am having the exact same problem. The additional content fails on attempt to install.

If I click on check for updates, either from the opening screen or the drop down menu, I get a server error message (status 500). Is the server overloaded perhaps?

Also the install window shows the demos/tutorials as installed, but the main screen does not show them and asks if you want to install them. If you click on the install link, it goes right back to the install popup showing them as already installed.
+1 vote
answered Jul 8, 2020 by productormori (160 points)
Me pasa exactamente lo mismo, no puedo instalar el contenido adicional, si alguien puede ayudar por favor.

Muchas gracias
+1 vote
answered Jul 8, 2020 by harveywright (1,610 points)
Same issue here. I was not able to login to my account to register S1 5 for over 9 hours after purchasing the upgrade.  Servers were down. I think the servers for the content, documentation, and demo songs are probably still overloaded.
+1 vote
answered Jul 8, 2020 by williambartlett1 (240 points)
Finally got the upgrade to 5 - unable to download new content ... plugin's, instruments.  

Server continues to fail.... trying to be patient.
+1 vote
answered Jul 8, 2020 by timtaylor12 (600 points)
It's working better this morning, so I suspect the servers were overloaded. Everything downloaded successfully except for the piano and two synth soundsets - will keep retrying those.

I solved my previous issue with the demo files & tutorials by re-downloading them now that the servers are working.
+1 vote
answered Jul 9, 2020 by toddzimmerman (1,140 points)
Yesterday I downloaded the 'Presonus Hub' and was then able to at least get the plug-ins and instruments,

although I hav3e not looked for the loops or samples as that is not something I typically use.  I also suspect Ia

did not change the default 'aurthorize with presonus sphere' which first appeared when downloaded the upgrade.

Hope that helps.
+1 vote
answered Jan 3, 2021 by antonakimov (190 points)

I have the same problem. I installed studio one 4 on windows 10, the program fails to download additional content. 

+1 vote
answered Jan 5, 2021 by eddyaceti (440 points)
I'm getting the same problem has there been a solution provided by presonus yet?
+1 vote
answered Feb 1, 2021 by bunkeraudio (630 points)
Have had the same problem since yesterday and all day today.  Failed, Failed, Failed, Etc...  Checked Firewall, Win Defender, Admin Rights and all is fine.  Hope @PreSonus finds this issue and resolves it soon!