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Atom Power Feature Request (Impact XT)

+16 votes
asked Jul 8, 2020 in Atom Feature Requests by grimeyneedle (3,900 points)
edited Jul 8, 2020 by grimeyneedle

Atom/Impact XT Power User Workflow Features

1) Shift 15/16 - to change the sample.2) shift 14 - tempo > toggles follow tempo on and off
3) shift pad 9 - duplicate > copies the last pad then paste it to the next pad touched even to another bank.
4) shift 11 > Toggle reverse
5) shift 12 > Toggle Normalize
6) shift 5-8 > Trigger (One Shot, Loop, Normal, Toggle)
7) shift + knobs = gives you 4 more controllable knobs for a 8 total customizable functions
8) Shift 13 > Open/Close Macro controls (That's 8 more knobs and custom buttons)
9) Shift 10 > Clear Selected Pad/Pads
10) Zoom navigation should shift its focus to the impact editing window zoom + up/down zooms in and out, zoom + left goes to the start flag, zoom + right goes to the end flag
11) Select + Knobs > Sample Start/End flag control coarse and fine editing with fine snapping to the zero crossings
12) Shift + Select > Select ALL pads
13 Select + Pad > Works like ctrl+pad
14) Shift 1/2 scrolls the choke groups
15) Shift 3/4 scrolls the quantize section

These are all software solutions

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Jul 10, 2020 by jonnydoyle (403,780 points)
Best answer

Thank you for the feature request. 

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0 votes
answered Jan 4, 2021 by popiuyt (220 points)
These are definately needed features for the samplebased producer. Maschine and MPC are the only solutions to do these things but they are a PITA to use as a vst inside a DAW. Impact and atom only needs a few tweaks to make it a competitor for most people.
0 votes
answered Jan 18, 2022 by tiagoribeiro3 (1,120 points)
I really hope this one gets into Studio One! I always wanted that type of integration between my Atom SQ and Impact XT, and I really think this is the most clever way to do so.

I would like to add just one more point that would be very significant, at least for me:

Load Next/Previous File in folder (with some compatible key combination)