fransaartsen, fair, but Dorico is over complicated for that reason. On VI-Control (forum) you'll find lots of people complaining about this exact thing Just search for Play Tab complaints. I have a good 3rd option...
1 - IF there is no user-drawn/recorded CC data in the event THEN the Hairpin should populate the CC.
2 - Add a setting or toggle to disable #1
I first suggested the orange. You suggested a toggle of the orange (which hurt Dorico) but... all 3 colors gives each user type a more automatically right editing process without complicating S1 to use.
A point on the "minimum" feature to do here. I also use StaffPad and if you delete and redraw a hairpin, he rewrites over the CC drawing. Sometimes I find that to be better because if I'm changing the notation, obviously the CC needs a new drawn starting point to match it. StaffPad's workflow is far smoother than Dorico in this case. S1 could do that or not, but at minimum I'd do the 3 color thing. It's less messy and painful to use.