Questions & Answers

How do you export vocal stems with your chosen FX on? I can hear them on my track but they aren't bouncing out.

0 votes
asked Jul 8, 2020 in Studio One 5 by daniellebitton (120 points)
Hey Guys, I'm a beginner here and could really use your help.
How do you export vocal stems with your chosen FX on? My vocal tracks have the FX (sends on) I can hear them when playing back the track but when I select the vocal piece to bounce,  it bounces out without the FX. Any help would be so appreciated!

1 Answer

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answered Jul 9, 2020 by brionreid (2,310 points)
  • Bounce only works for INSERT Fx
  • To get send Fx printed
  • Select your clip.
  • From the context menu select Event / Mixdown Selection
  • See attached pic shows original clip, resulting clip & menu selection...
  • Things to note about pic: Your bounce will only be as long as your clip.  I joined a blank section to my original clip (upper) to get the echo tail in the Mixdown (lower clip).