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FR : B3 emulation lacks drawbars.

+5 votes
asked Feb 23, 2016 in Studio One Feature Requests by Skip Jones (166,990 points)
recategorized Feb 23, 2016 by Skip Jones
The emulation for the Hammond B3 lacks drawbars. Sure would be nice.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Feb 23, 2016 by AlexTinsley (925,570 points)
Thanks for the feature request.

If anyone else agrees or disagrees, please cast your vote!
0 votes
answered Mar 21, 2016 by jasonfrankel (140 points)
I am also trying to figure out what sort of B3 emulation control is offered by Studio One & received this response from customer support:
"In the Presence XT Organ library, we allow for control of the sampled draw bar registrations, but do not present that control in the form of traditional draw bar aesthetics. In some of the organ patches we offer 2 pages of rotary controls that adjust the draw bar registrations. For midi controllers that have fader controllers, you can map these rotary controls in the Presence XT GUI to your faders for draw bar like manipulation. We can consider changing to a draw bar aesthetic as a future feature update. "

Unfortunately, I have not seen any specifics regarding which instrument sounds contain these controls, such as the "Full B3" included in Studio Artist and/or the Purple Smoke sound in their keyboard sound upgrade and in the pro version.  This keyboard sound package now makes the following claims:

"The B3 has been sampled with individual drawbars and percussion. Custom script controls provide access to drawbar registrations, long/short, 2nd and 3rd percussion for maximum playability."

But it is not clear how these script controls are accessed through the DAW, or what documentation is available for how to control these GUI's, or how to access multiple pages of rotary controls.
Another assertion by Presonus regarding Presence XT sounds is found on this page
"all Hammond Organ presets come with drawbar controls and switchable percussion"
Yet I have not been able to find any specifics regarding which instrument sound names are considered Hammond Organ presets.

Does anybody out there use know how to use Presence XT Hammond sounds with drawbar controls or know of any specific documentation?