Questions & Answers

How to use Roli Block with Studio one 5?

+4 votes
asked Jul 10, 2020 in Studio One 5 by jayasree (410 points)
Succumbed to the excitement and upgraded from Studio One 4 Artist with VST/AU and Remote to Studio One 5. I should have done more research as almost all exciting enhancements except the Gain Envelope and MPE are only for Pro version.

I am trying to use Roli Block with Studio One 5 with MPE and not seem to be able to get it configured any differently than the Studio One4 method of multiple tracks with different channels. Can any one help me with the correct procedures?

Feeling a bit of disappointment about this upgrade.



3 Answers

+2 votes
answered Jul 12, 2020 by jayasree (410 points)
selected Apr 29, 2021 by jayasree
Best answer
Found the solution!

You also need to do "Enable MPE" in the instrument editor window.
0 votes
answered Apr 29, 2021 by robertamirkhan (140 points)

I'm looking into getting the Roli Lightboard for drum/beat creation alongside the Lumi Keys block as my MIDI keys/input. Since you've posted this question (and solution) have you had any issues using the Roli products with Studio Pro 5?

0 votes
answered Apr 29, 2021 by jayasree (410 points)
Other than the confusion and lack of clear documentation, it looks like everything is working between Studio One 5a nd Roli block.

One key thing to remember is Enable MPE is not possible when you use VST3 of roli studio. It has to be VST2