Questions & Answers


+4 votes
asked Jul 12, 2020 in Studio Series USB Interfaces by mariosoto (160 points)
My studio 1824 stop working just with no reason, i was working with it almost 7 months. I conected it to another computer and it canĀ“t be detected by the computer. I use windows 10. The power button keeps red.

2 Answers

+3 votes
answered Sep 14, 2020 by javierucls (230 points)
Same here! I guess since the product has been discontinued, we are not longer able to use it, or the software stop working. My computer recognises the inputs and outputs. But they seem to be not active...
+1 vote
answered May 20, 2021 by piggysm (1,320 points)

Same here, My 1824 (SN: ST4E18010103) was bought in Nov 15, 2018, died in May 19, 2021, such short life for a Pro audio equip.

2 days ago while I was playing kontakt in StudioOne, suddenly sound stopped, jumped out a window says Studio USB can't be initialied, I turned off 1824, reconnected, switched it in StudioOne, worked for a minute, window jumped out again, then I reconnected, repowered, changed USB port, sometime it worked for a minute then jumped window again, sometime it just kept silence. It still shows up in UC, mixer can be opened, but no reflection to hardware operation(48V, mute, mono), no signals indicated except hardware screen, if I try to update firmware, it jumps a window like this:

Maybe something broke in PCB? Never happened before, I think it is dead, and I just ordered a RME UFX+ yesterday(for it well known stability), wish if I'm lucky, I can still hook them up through ADAT, if not, I'll go get a OctaMic XTC.

As for now, I have to use my Zoom L12 as temporary sound gear.
