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Ok maybe Im Stupid but I can't slow the tempo playback function to work in tracks on Studio One V5

0 votes
asked Jul 12, 2020 in Studio One 5 by maverickhurley1 (580 points)
Sorry if it is so simple and I am so dumb.. So I am a former Reaper guy.. In Reaper to change the playback of a song like when I want to slow down and learn a riff I would go to tempo and change it and right click preserve pitch.

So in Studio one.. I record a track..   After I record or track or my friend records a track I go to the tempo button on playback and change it ... However it seems to do nothing... The playback doesnt slow down at all.. It maintains same tempo as it was recorded no matter what..  Probably some setting I am missing..  Any help would be appreciated.   Thanks

6 Answers

0 votes
answered Jul 13, 2020 by danielgarczyk (880 points)
Open the "Inspector" by pressing F2 or that little "i" in the upper left corner in the arrange window. When you look down under "Event FX" you'll find "File Tempo" (if you can't see it, it's just covered. You can grab that fader section on either the bottom or top and drag or resize it). In your case it probably says "Not set". Type in he tempo you recorded it in. Now, when you change the tempo of your song it will strectch accordingly. If this doesn't help, Also check if on the very top of the Inspector under "Tempo" you have either "Timestretch" or "Follow" selected. Choosing "Don't follow" will leave the track unaffected by tempo changes in the song.
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answered Jul 13, 2020 by maverickhurley1 (580 points)

So when I do this.. It still doesnt seem to do anything the song plays at the same temp.  Below is a screen grab..

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answered Jul 13, 2020 by danielgarczyk (880 points)
On your screengrab you have the Tempo mode set to "Don't follow". Change that to "Timestretch" otherwise it won't work ;).
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answered Jul 13, 2020 by maverickhurley1 (580 points)
Gotcha... So Question.. I got it to work but I have to type in the Tempo such as 50 or lower number to slow it down.. Is there like a Slider bar that I can adjust the tempo like in Reaper or do I have to manually type in the Temp value?  Thanks in Advance
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answered Jul 13, 2020 by danielgarczyk (880 points)
There is no slider, at least not to my knowledge. I only started using Studio One literally five days ago haha (FL Studio, Ableton Live guy). I spent the whole weekend reading the manual and playing around with S1 but I'm far from being an expert. What I do know though is that alternatively you can adjust the value with your mousewheel. I personally prefer to type it in and in most cases you won't have to do this anyway.

For future tracking sessions make sure you include the tempo imformation in the audio by checking "Write tempo to audio file" on export :).
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answered Jul 20, 2024 by petercairns (190 points)
I really missed the global playback setting that Reaper has - as OP says was great for learning riffs, or slowing down to add a complex part and then speed back up, um, I hear that's what other guys do anyway...

It's all still possible in Studio One, but gets tricky if you have added different tempo's at different parts in your song - can't simply mess with the tempo at the bottom, but even here if you had all your tracks recorded with the original tempo info (this is a setting) and correctly matched to the correct kind of Timestretch (Gregor has a good video on this, but basically they map to: good for percussion, good for polyphonic sounds, good for monophonic sounds, and Tape style effects - i.e. the pitch will also alter) you can then use the tempo track at the top to globally alter everything - scroll to the start or end of your song and use the trim to move *all* the tempo points up or down.  Should also be able to use for Varispeed type effects - e.g. speeding up and raising pitch of finished song (may need to change the timestretch type). Not as elegant as the Reaper/Logic solutions but seems to work well. Happy to be advised if there is a better way :) Putting here, since this question readily pops up in a search.