Questions & Answers

Hook up StudioLive16.4.2 to a 2020 MacBookPro (OSX Catalina) using an Apple FW converter?

0 votes
asked Jul 24, 2020 in Classic Mixers by execlass2 (190 points)
Hello. I have a classic SL16.4.2 that I used with a MacMini 2012 running OSX Sierra, connecting directly via FireWire.

Now I have switched to a new MBPro 2020 (i9, OSX Catalina) that only has USB-C ports.

As I understand, there are now drivers for the classic 1642 to run with OSX 10.15 Catalina. My question is: Can I hook up the mixer to the MacBook Pro using Apple's Firewire to USB-C converter? Will I be able to use the 16.4.2 again as a mixer and digital interface like I used to on the MacMini?

Thank you

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jul 24, 2020 by AlexTinsley (925,530 points)
Best answer
The StudioLive 16.4.2 is only supported up to Mac OS X 10.14.6 (Mojave) with UC 1.7.6 available on the download page.

On Mac OS X 10.15.6 for StudioLive 1642, 2442 and FireStudio series interfaces, Installing FireWire Drivers in the UC 3.x installers will allow the audio I/O (FireStudio) device driver to appear in your DAW like Studio One, however Universal Control / SL will not work, therefore these configurations are not supported past Mac OS X 10.14.6.

The reason the device driver appears as it's the same driver that's used for the Ai Series mixers and StudioLive 1602-1394) which use UC Surface for control.
0 votes
answered Jul 25, 2020 by execlass2 (190 points)
If I understand correctly, I can still use my 16.4.2 as an audio interface for S1 5 under OSX Catalina. What I cannot do is control it externally, is that it? Just need to clarify the procedure.