Questions & Answers

If you record in Studio One 5, can it be played in version 4 and vice versa?

0 votes
asked Jul 26, 2020 in Studio One 5 by rickbreckwoldt (370 points)
If you record in Studio One 5, can it be played in version 4 and vice versa?  Before with v. 3 and 4, if you opened something in v.4 that was made in v. 3, you could nor reopen it in v. 3 if I remember correctly.  I’d like to upgrade to Studio One v. 5, but all my other collaborators have version 4, and I don’t want to lose the ability to create or make something in version 5 and then nor have them be able to open it, or vice versa, if they create something in v.4, and then I open it and add something, will they then be able to open the changed song in version 4?  Currently we all have Studio One Professional v. 4.

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Jul 26, 2020 by aka_busker (32,870 points)
It's the same as it was in previous versions.  If you save a file in v5 you cannot open it in v4.  
+1 vote
answered Jul 26, 2020 by cdricblanqui (7,530 points)
Hi, like said by aka_busker, not possible.


You can still export stems that they'll be able to import in V4 !

0 votes
answered May 18, 2023 by michalchel (300 points)
It is silly. Shoudl be option for doing that.. even only for structure of the song without plugins but with automation, proper time and place for stems, volumes . 6 versions of software and still nothing with that. OPEN.TL doesn't do the work. My friend have S1 - 4 and i have 5. We can do **** with our collaboration :D  TIMES WITH ARTIFICIAL INTELIGENCE and still nothing for compatibility with older versions. Im talking only about structure of song with audio, nothing more. If there is option like that and i don't know it, then im sorry for my poor knowledge and please send me to answer for this.  ..