Questions & Answers

Has anyone else experienced Crashing, freezing Studio one 5 ?

+165 votes
asked Jul 28, 2020 in Studio One 5 by navjotsingh4 (1,620 points)
I never had any issue with studio one 4 but Studio one 5 sees to have a lot of crash rates so far, although its a great daw but its crashes making me end the process which is kinda affecting my whole system.

97 Answers

+1 vote
answered Jan 6, 2021 by thomasnicolaides (170 points)
edited Mar 7, 2021 by thomasnicolaides

I'm coming from SO3 and I also have too many problems with version 5.
It freezes when changing settings on insert plugins... including standard Presonus plugins.
Also it crashes when using external synchro.

SO version 3 was really stable on the same machine, same inteface, same external plugins...
So I see no reason to suspect an external cause. The software is the problem !!

I'm so disapointed that I've decided to start my next project on Studio One 3

EDIT: on march 2021...

Since version : SO5 now works like a charm.. no more crashes experienced...
THANK YOU for the fix !!!!!
+2 votes
answered Jan 6, 2021 by TexasFrets (180 points)
I've had a few issues with 4 Pro, but they have been minor. With Pro 5 though, I have multiple crashes every day. Very frustrating. I've lost a lot of work and a lot of time. I regret spending money on the upgrade. This week I've gone back to 4 because it is at least stable.
+2 votes
answered Jan 8, 2021 by RToon (880 points)
Dear presonus, Listen to your Customers!
+1 vote
answered Jan 12, 2021 by richardbross1 (160 points)
I just got Studio One 5 1.1.61815, Windows 10 x64.  The only thing I use the system for is recording,  First thing I tried I dropped a backing track into an audio track and created another audio track for guitar to jam along.  Recorded it, played it back fine.

Then I went to save it and the application completely froze with a spinning cursor after the dialog box was displayed.  Task Manager "End Task" couldn't kill it.  Running the terminal as Administrator and running "taskkill" couldn't kill it.

I finally had to reboot.  Doesn't give me a whole lot of confidence to use the product.  Losing a great performance is a serious risk.
+1 vote
answered Jan 21, 2021 by mauricio79 (520 points)
yes, when i turn on the software with the atomqs pluged in it freezes, this sucks man
+1 vote
answered Jan 22, 2021 by tbirston (220 points)
I decided to upgrade around new years and it was fine for basic recording.  I noticed early on that it would crash if I tried to switch presets on Ampire while it was playing.  And now I've found it is prone to crash while playing back under a variety of plugins.  The common theme is it is playing and I change something in a plugin. It crashed once today after I clicked the bypass on the proEQ.  Some are more predictable than others.  And it tends to crash by way of a freeze, requiring task manager.  Today after a crash it would go into a BSOD whenever I tried to load any file, eventually doing a fresh reinstall got it back working.  I am guessing that crash corrupted a file.  Looking forward to a future fix, for now I am bouncing these tracks to recreate my project in version 4.
+1 vote
answered Jan 22, 2021 by tbirston (220 points)
Less than a day after my comment and a new version is released, how's that for timing.  I spent some time today trying to crash the new release and so far it seems like its good.  All plugins seem to work, including Waves ver11.  I did get a BSOD when I tried to change some buffer settings.  And later a BSOD on exiting the program.  As these were page fault BSOD I suspected they may have been caused by one or more files becoming corrupted by the previous version crashes.  So uninstalled Studio One and the drivers, did a dskchk and then reinstalled and so far no more BSOD.
+1 vote
answered Feb 2, 2021 by mikecove (320 points)
edited Feb 2, 2021 by mikecove

I get crashes (DAW closes) at least once a session and sometimes up to three times. It's difficult to say that there is any one cause. It is more noticeable if I flip from one program to another. like Goldwave (wave editor) or Band in a box. It is frustrating and embarassing when you have clients present. If I haven't saved every few minutes I can lose a critical take. This is such a wonderful DAW but, if they can't solve this fundamental issue they are going to lose market share. The software engineers need to recognize the bulk of their market is recording - not performing or video editing or any other add-ons they seem to be excited by right now. Get the basic product right and they can take share from Avid and other leading DAWs.

WIN 10 / Sweetwater PC

The problem seems to be wide spread enough that Presonus needs to be making statements to the community.

+1 vote
answered Feb 3, 2021 by marjorieannvalencia (160 points)
This happened to me many times, sometimes the audio will play for a minute then suddenly will stop. This problem should be fix by presonus cause the software should not be like this. Software must work properly.
+1 vote
answered Feb 3, 2021 by arthurmeggerson (160 points)

Yes ,this version 5,Crashes a lot .I upgraded from S 4 and it was pretty good. But V5,not stable ! You create song and it work fine as long as it open ,but once you Save and close it, and the next time you try to open it ,hung up never open the recent file ! this is Frustrating and waste lot of time, waiting for it to open up.I don't no if it's the Plugin scanner or if this Version is just weak. But maybe you guys should consider make it were you can open a song or project with the option to offline the plugins. This is very disappointing !!!

+1 vote
answered Feb 4, 2021 by christianrder (220 points)
I have trouble both 4 and 5, using a 2017 iMac with Catalina and a bunch of external hardware, no thrilling amount of plugins, Softube, NI, Arturia. First trouble was crashing without any visible reason, completly randomly. then I switched back on 4, crashes as well. then I tried 5 again and saw an update, was full of hope. now it worked for one week without trouble, suddenly freezing: every little step causes the spinning wheel of death. working is impossible. created a ticket, curious what will be the answer.

it is very interesting how many people can report here over such a long period without getting ANY reply or statement of a presonus employee. what are we supposed to learn from this? however this is a bad thing for any company to do and a lethal mentality to show for business. presonus appears to me like a startup, presented by a giggling video host on YT in order to attract new buyers. Well, I was falling for it. I will observe this a while and then switch back to Logic, since this is completely irresponsible - how can you be so ignorant towards your customers that by the way are professionally dependent on a working daw in many cases. a scandal!
0 votes
answered Feb 19, 2021 by williamandrews4 (160 points)
Have you checked the minimum requirements of your system?
+1 vote
answered Mar 3, 2021 by Daw Stew (12,600 points)
Windows 10 user and crashes are a regular occurence, especially when tyring to start a new song from a template. It loads the template, then i get the hour glass, my Faderport 16 drops connectivity and then poof, back to the desktop. It does this a lot.
+1 vote
answered Mar 4, 2021 by noeladrianmorris (160 points)
Been using V4 for quite a while, change do V5 which worked really well initially but is now presenting distorted playback on any new track I record both on new songs and old? Have tried uninstalling and installing a fresh download of V5 but still have the same problem. V4 still working great.

Any ideas people? Thanks.
+1 vote
answered Mar 6, 2021 by robertzelinsky (230 points)
Having the same issue.  It'll just freeze up.  Sometimes, if I wait, it unfreezes.  But most times I have to ctr alt del it!
+1 vote
answered Mar 8, 2021 by guillaumelanglais (2,730 points)

sometimes crash when open a song. Then I open another song, OK, re-open first song OK, but...

My Studiolive 32 is freeze.

Need to restart Mac and Studiolive.

This happen several times per day.
+1 vote
answered Mar 18, 2021 by richardprovencal (180 points)

I had the crashing problem until I disabled in preferences/General/graphics hardware acceleration

Since I disabled that, I did not experienced any crashes after 8 hours of continuous work.

With Graphics Hardware Acceleration enabled, my Studio One was unusable.

I am using an iMac i7 late 2013 with Mojave 10.14.6
+1 vote
answered Mar 21, 2021 by AHorbo (190 points)
Same here. Crashing constantly. No obvious cause. Brand new PC (2021), top of the line machine. Been with S1 since V2 and never had this issue. V5.2 worked perfectly for a week. Izotope, Waves, BX, JST, Softube, IKM, etc... Now it's completely unusable. Luckily I didn't lose any work, but now I can't do anything new either.
0 votes
answered Mar 22, 2021 by ravenvollmer (140 points)
I am new to the world of DAWS but have 40 years working with computer networks and the like. Try keeping your Task Manager window open (Windows 10). You will see where the demand is stressing your computer. I run an extremely fast Windows based laptop with 2- 32 inch 4k monitors. I can run S1, watch you Tube, track the Stock market and various other task but once in a while it will freeze since adding S1. It seems to be taxing the memory. I also run various antiviral etc software. I find Malware Bytes to really bog down the system with studio one. If  am doing a lot, I just back up and move forward naked (no virus protection) and that takes care of the problem. I am getting ready to upgrade my laptop and will be getting double the memory which would be 32mb of ram. I think that will solve the problem. If you are running 8gb of memory there is a good chance you will have problems. For what it is worth Pro tools did the same thing. I am using I7 intel processor with a fast Nividia card. I know that is not a solution but hope it helps. Use Task Manager to find out what is impacting the system (Malwarebytes in my case). The software does a lot so it is going to demand a lot. There is no free lunch. If you are a professional it is just the cost of doing business.
+1 vote
answered Mar 23, 2021 by joemerola (330 points)
I too had no issues with 4-4.5 .  I couldn't agree or disagree with your assessment of version 5 being great  because studio one 5 won't stay open long enough for me to even lay a track down.  Tech support had advised me that studio one was crashing because of an app called skylight.  I have no such app what I did have was a backup that contained a Logic Pro vst preset named skylight.  I deleted it no help still crashed.  I removed logic pro, nop still crashed.   

I can't believe this has been an issue for almost a year now,very dissapointed with presonus≥
+1 vote
answered Mar 25, 2021 by taylorbatory (730 points)
SO 5 has been working (mostly) fine for me up until a few weeks ago.   Rampant crashes that occur randomly.  Load a plugin, crash.  Try to close a project, crash.  Try to simply quit Studio One, crash.  I can't believe how unreliable it's become all of a sudden.  I'm seriously considering exporting all of my projects and reimporting them into SO 4.  I'm hopeful that Presonus will fix these crashes in an update soon, because it's now quickly becoming almost unusable.
+1 vote
answered Mar 30, 2021 by petrzikmund (1,380 points)
Crash when using Softube Amp room.
+2 votes
answered Apr 8, 2021 by joshuaday1 (420 points)
Ever since I upgraded to 5.2 on Windows 10, Studio One will freeze on exit, requiring me to close it via "end task." I never lose any saved data but I can never leave Studio One normally. I do have multiple instances of Kontakt Player, which some have said might be the culprit. I do mostly composing with big orchestral libraries like Spitfire Chamber Strings, Cinematic Studio Strings, Joshua Bell Violin and Cinesamples in Kontakt; East West Play stuff; and others. Everything is up to date.
+1 vote
answered Apr 14, 2021 by normjohnson (1,080 points)
I'd say 80% of the time after closing a project and trying to open a new project it crashes.  Every single time it's a different plugin.

Support told me to just disable the vst2 plugin that was causing the issue.  I can't disable every **** vst2 instrument I have on my system to stop the crashes Presonus.

This is just getting ridiculous.  I may have to bounce out of this software if something doesn't improve.  

For hell sakes give us plugins with their own processes so that it doesn't kill the entire daw and you can just relaunch the plugin when it dies like you can in Bitwig.

This is seriously a nightmare.

Mac OS Mojave 10.14.6, 40GB memory, 4.2ghz intel core i7
+1 vote
answered Apr 29, 2021 by Rico07 (320 points)
Yes it crashes on close for me. I realize this is an old thread but I wanted to talk about this. I did create a ticket. It appears it may be a plug-in causing the problem. At least that’s where the discussion left off. So far tho, no solution and I have not been able to isolate the culprit. This is very frustrating. 5 does not seem to have the same stability 4 had. That was one reason Studio one appealed to me. The work flow was nice and solid. I’m disappointed and overwhelmed by this problem. I’m still working on it.
+1 vote
answered May 11, 2021 by martynphillips1 (160 points)
Studio One 5.1.1 is practically unusable, here crashing every few minutes. Today, this has happened when opening, bypassing or manipulating the latest Acustica Audio, Eventide and Plugin Alliance audio units amongst others.

I saw on Youtube that someone had improved performance by abandoning AUs and only using VSTs so I will be putting time into installing a couple of thousand of them!  

I am going back to 4.6.2 until some serious update addresses this. PLEASE PreSonus, you have known about this for months now.

[2020 16" Macbook Pro with plenty RAM etc, OSX Catalina, UAD Apollo]
0 votes
answered Jun 9, 2021 by jjohnston1 (140 points)
Absolutely experiencing freezing, never had the issue until the past week. Never experienced this with previous versions, either. Suddenly getting macro xml errors during startup, too. No new software or other changes to point to. Love Studio 5, but really getting frustrated with the sudden instability. Something needs to happen in short order or I'll have to relocate for a bit.
0 votes
answered Jun 16, 2021 by michellecampion (1,860 points)

With several months of trying to find the reason for my crashes with Studio one 5, I thank the technical service for their patience ... I found the solution, BSOD Finish. Disable in the bios of my Gigabyte Designare Z390 motherboard, EIST and C-State .... If it helps some people, I will be delighted .... It's a pleasure to be able to work without a BSOD :)

0 votes
answered Jun 29, 2021 by fransvannispen (5,920 points)
edited Jun 29, 2021 by fransvannispen

Never had any such issues. Only trouble I had, were some crashes when I updated for example Waves. I needed to do a clean scan of all plugins by removing the plugin settings in the plugin manager. But since a few days I am experiencing full system freezes.

Sometimes, it just logs me out of my system. Sometimes, it just reboots the system and also had a freeze that just stayed stuck.

I have no clue why it happens all of a sudden. My guess is the VCA's. I never used those and started using them recently. Also switched most plugins to VST3 as VST2 is now depreciated and some plugin developers do not even deliver VST2 anymore.

The crash window does not reveil any useful information. BTW. This is all on version 5.2.1

UPDATE: The crash has nothing to do with the VCA's. I removed them, still the same. My previous saves session, does not crash. While testing, I noticed it crashes the second it hits the loop-around spot. In a previous issue, I had enormous volume boosts, this only happened at the end of events. So it seems there is an issue with the end of an area handling. Being either looping or bounced events.

It does not happen for me on MIDI tracks, only bounced (or converted to audio) tracks.

0 votes
answered Jun 30, 2021 by clementcostes (370 points)
It is crashing pretty often. Studio 1 4 was very stable. Also it is strange that some plugins work great without crashing on the 4 and crash every time on the 5 (like Blindtest from Hofa 4U).

I am on an intel based Mac with Big Sur.

Right now, I am a bit fed up with all those new feature arriving one after the other. The most important feature is STABILITY (at least to me).
0 votes
answered Jul 6, 2021 by nijntje75 (180 points)
yes......and it is a pain.
0 votes
answered Jul 16, 2021 by richardblackwell3 (510 points)
Did anyone get to the bottom of the freezing issue? Im getting the problem constantly and I cant get on at all. With a deadline on a piece of music this is getting pretty critical!
0 votes
answered Jul 22, 2021 by [email protected] (380 points)
Same issues here… also Uad crashing a lot under Studio One 5. No issues at all under Cubasis/Logic/FL with exactly the same Uad Plugins on the same material processed the same…
0 votes
answered Jul 23, 2021 by faron1 (140 points)
Yes I have been having issues with freezing of the screen and locking everything up when I switch from mono to stereo on a track during playback. The only way I found to back out of it is to restart the computer. I have only noticed this with the latest update and not sure where to report a bug which I am almost sure this is a coding error
0 votes
answered Jul 25, 2021 by radosawdoliski (690 points)
Man since I've upgraded to S1 5 there is nothing but random crashes and playback issues.

After 5.3 update I started to get crashes when I move the playback head while editing tracks or midi notes. I noticed that when having the last edited event or note highlighted that occurs even more frequent... I'm ending up editing a couple notes and S1 freezes. Nothing like this happened on version 4 since my workflow is exactly the same. Even using the same plugins.
0 votes
answered Aug 5, 2021 by bennyr1 (2,790 points)
I get freezes with s1 too, it happen with some plugins more often. i report this the support how it happen. the solution to end the freeze is disable and enable a USB device, then S1 continue to work. maybe other help switch on and Off USB midi keyboard or USB audio device. there seem s1 block something in USB device and this cause deadlock
0 votes
answered Aug 17, 2021 by ameerko2u (160 points)
Yes same annoying Issue studio one freeze with no alert while i m doing editing to tracks whatever i m doing or using it just freeze
and all my work is gone

so i have to keep saving every 2 min, sound crazy right ?
0 votes
answered Aug 23, 2021 by reginaldcarter1 (150 points)
I have been having major issues with S1 5.3 freezing and terrible CPU spikes. I just resolved it by going back to S1 5.00. There is an issue with S1 5.3 and Catalina. I am not sure what it is, but going back to the old version fixed it. Yes you may loose some of the updates that came with 5.3, but to me its worth it to not have to sabotage a good take in a session.
+2 votes
answered Aug 24, 2021 by fransvannispen (5,920 points)

Studio One crashes a LOT ever since the new plugin manager introduced in v4.

To fix this, you can simply do a clean rescan of all your plugins. In the plugin manager, click on the 'Remove Plug-In Settings' button at the right bottom. Unlike what you would expect from the naming of this button, it will NOT remove your plugin settings, nor does it remove the user thumbnails. It will only remove some cache files, S1 creates by doing the plugin scan, and starts a fresh scan (which could take a few minutes). Basically this button is named wrong from a users perspective.

Since 5.3 the problem got a bit bigger for me though. I still had a session that crashed. To fix that, I had to disable all plugins in that session and then afterwards re-enable them. This causes the plugins to reload, using the new cached 'settings'.

Cases where you will experience these crashes and freezes:

  • Project loading
  • Removing/adding plugins or tracks with plugins on there
  • Looping. When looping, and the loop hits the end of a loop to return back, that will be the moment things freeze
  • The end of bounced audio events. These cannot only cause crashes, but also loud pops in sound

What causes the crashes are plugins that have both a VST2 and VST3 version, but internally use the same ID. This will make S1 use the VST3 version, hiding the VST2 version from the browser. But somehow, there is a bug in there messing things up. It looks like as if you add the VST3, but S1 uses the settings for VST2, causing a crash.

Plugins that I know of that are triggering this are Waves and IK Multimedia. There are others as well, but Waves causes the biggest problems for me.

Recently I also experienced freezes with some AU plugins. And these were so bad, it caused my system to reboot on its own. Also in this case, a clean rescan of the plugins fixed the problem. As these cases were so sincere, I stopped using AU plugins completely in S1 (expect for where there is no VST version available).

I have posted multiple details bug reports, but as I'm running on a custom Mac, Presonus is unwilling to take in my bug report or at least take it seriously. But I can 100% reproduce the above, every time, for every version of S1 of the last 2 years.

+1 vote
answered Oct 12, 2021 by johnlauterjung (320 points)
Same here. Repeated work arounds from Presonus Support are not solving the numerous problems I'm having with v5. Have no choice to go back to v4 or use another DAW.
0 votes
answered Oct 14, 2021 by leylandclopton (2,000 points)
Yesterday, and today has been so frustrating that Ive contemplated changing DAWs permanently. Its sad because I have been invested since S1 V2, buying all the upgrades. It seems it gets progressively worst, while Presonus always says "it's your 3rd Party VST's causing the problem". You mean to tell me that we are limited to only using Presonus stock plugins? It seems that that is what they are trying to imply. Just no reason, and 2020 Mac. Pro Specd out, should be crashing by simply disabling a track our trying to bounce in place.
0 votes
answered Nov 24, 2021 by johnyezeguielian (510 points)
Annoyingly often.  Sometimes it resolves on restart.  Other times it takes a reboot.  I'm looking at other softwares that load now.  Adobe is a very pervasive unnecessary so I just dumped it.  Gotta figure something is sitting where 5 wants to be.
0 votes
answered Nov 24, 2021 by johnyezeguielian (510 points)
Michael, that was what turned me off altogether about Sphere. I already had paid for 4 and a long time before as well.  Sphere "gives" me 5 and now it doesn't retro with 4.  Having been through that long ago, when it was just Performer in V1 and they didn't provide a conversion routine (actually told me to play the midi files on one machine and record them on another with the new software!) I was already worried about that.  So I just paid for the upgrade to 5, and canceled Sphere.  Not worth it.
0 votes
answered May 24, 2022 by brentshavnore (140 points)
Every single day this software crashes on me. Cant save without it freezing, cant auto save without it freezing, can't even close out of the **** program without it freezing. Complete garbage.
0 votes
answered Jul 9, 2022 by tommytrenton (350 points)
7-9-2022: Yep studio one 5 crashes all the time. I use a Sphere subscription. When I had the first version of studio one 5 through splice, I never had an issue. I do not know if there is a difference here in software but it's a fact that S1 5 Sphere crashes non-stop no matter what I do. I am going to uninstall everything from studio one sphere and reinstall studio one 5 from to see what happens... I will come back and update this feed no matter what happens.

NOTE: I can assure you that it is not due to third-party plugins because it crashes even with stock plugins for me. S1 will crash when opening their party and stock plugins, duping tracks over and over, or just simply opening the mixer. Iver noticed S1 crash while doing many different things.

My PC Specs:
- Win10 Home
- Intel 12900kf
- GeForce RTX 3090
- 64gb DDR5 RAM
- Presonus Studio 192 Interface
0 votes
answered Nov 10, 2022 by sebastianziolkowski1 (340 points)
it should be a sandbox based where Studio One might isolate problematic third-party plugins or freeze them to next re-load or stop the Windows services or apps that cause the issues and work stable no matter what...I guess it will be less problems on Apple OSX which is more stable.
0 votes
answered Nov 23, 2022 by christiansmaaland (240 points)
Unfortunately, yes. It crashes all the time for (seemingly) no good reason. I very close to leaving Studio One behind and move back to Cubase. I might try Studio One 6 and check if there is any improvement. If not, I'm gone. It was fun while it lasted (ie. didn't crash or freeze all **** day).