Questions & Answers

double patching an analog input on the StudioLive 32SX, assinged channel strip doesn't control the input.

0 votes
asked Jul 28, 2020 in StudioLive Series III by pc3chris (150 points)
On my StudioLive 32SX, I have an analog input (computer audio) coming into inputs 31 & 32 on the back of the console.   I am assigning these to channel strips 3 & 4.   On ch. 3 &4, I have assigned it to see the analog input from 31 & 32.    HOWEVER, my input is still assinged to channel strips 31 & 32, and is only being controlled by the channel strip 31 & 32, and not by the assigned channels 3 & 4.     When I route those inputs to channel  3 & 4, what do I need to do with channel strips 31 & 32 so they are controlled in the right spot.  

This was working for me earlier, but now it's not...

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 30, 2020 by jonnydoyle (403,740 points)
Best answer
Ch3/4 have input from the actual connection of 31/32 so they are sharing the inputs. You are sharing inputs.